Children are admitted to the school's Reception classes in the September after they turn 4 years old. We have 2 Reception classes, each with space for 30 children.
Children starting school for the first time
To apply for your child to start in the Reception year group at Primary School, please apply online at:
School Number: 881-2581
Published admission number: 60
Number on roll: 420
2025 New Intake Tours
Mid-Year Admissions
With effect from 1 April 2022, parents will need to apply directly to own admission authority infant, junior and primary schools (i.e. academy, foundation and voluntary aided schools) for a place in-year (mid-year). Such schools will handle these applications directly.
If you would like to apply for an in-year (mid-year) space for your child please complete the application form in the link below and return it via email at: or in person via the school office. If you are applying for more than one child, please complete a separate application form for each.
Please see links to forms below.
Which year group will my child be in?
Admissions Policy
Please see below for our admissions policies, our in-year application form and our home school agreement.
Parents and family of prospective pupils are very welcome to arrange a visit to view the school and meet the headteacher. Please make an appointment via the school office on 01268 833915.