Home learning
We ask that parents support their child in weekly homework to help practise and consolidate the learning from school.
As part of home-learning, we cannot stress the importance of regular reading practice at home.
Our expectations for home learning are as below:
- Read at home each day using their RWI sounds book or reading book. Read any book bag book from RWI (10 – 15 minutes each time)
- Shared read their EYFS library book
- Complete any tasks and activities set on Tapestry.
Year 1:
- Read their RWI book and their RWI book bag book each day (for 10-15 minutes 5 times a week).
- Shared read their other reading book (from class library)
- Use Numbots 2 times a week for 10 minutes at a time.
Year 2:
- Read RWI and book bag book 5 times a week (or other reading book given) (10 – 15 minutes each read)
- Use Numbots 3 X a week for 10 minutes each time
- Complete tasks on Century each week (30 minutes a week) (English or maths task alternate)
Year 3 and 4
- Read at home at least 3 times a week for 20 minutes each time
- TT Rockstars for 3 X 10 minute sessions a week
- Complete tasks and activities set on Century (45 minutes a week) (English and maths task)
Year 5 and 6:
- Read at home at least 3 X a week for at least 20 minutes each time
- TT Rockstars for 2 X 10 minute sessions at least
- Complete tasks set on Century for 1 hour a week (English and maths task)
Homework to be set on a Friday and to be completed by the following Friday morning.
In the event of an emergency school closure, work will be set on Century for pupils in year 2 to 6. For pupils in EYFS, tasks will be set on Tapestry and for year 1, guidance will be set through Studybugs.
Here is the link to our Boom Reader app for logging home reading:
In addition to this, we have collated a list of online resources and websites that will be useful for you and your child (there are many, many more!) during this time:
- https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/
- https://www.twinkl.co.uk/
- https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/
- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ChildrensMenu.htm
- https://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/find-out-more/parents/
For younger children (age birth to 5) please check out the Hungry little Minds website: Click here to access it
Our Remote learning policy can be found here
Here are some great fitness activity websites for your child too:
- https://www.cosmickids.com/
- https://gonoodle.com/good-energy-at-home-kids-and-videos/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TGEdzRzSbw
- https://www.jumpstartjonny.co.uk/home
Why not try out some of these fun ideas to keep your child entertained while at home?