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Opening hours, drop off and collection

Drop off

Our gates open at 8.40am and close promptly at 8.50am.

Please drop Reception and KS1 children to their classroom doors via the KS1 playground gate.

Please drop KS2 children at the KS2 side gate.

Any arrivals after 8.50 am must go straight to the school office for late registration.


Reception and KS1 pupils should be supervised by an adult to the classroom doors.


Collection times and locations:

Reception: 3.10 pm (from classroom doors)

Year 1: 3.10 pm (from classroom doors)

Year 2: 3.10 pm (from classroom doors/side playground)

Year 3 and 4: 3.15 pm (from rear KS2 playground)

Year 5 and 6: 3.15 pm (from side KS2 playground)





Times of the school day

08:00 Breakfast Club (bookable and cost incurred)

08:40 School gates open

08:50 School gates close

08:50 Early morning work and registration

9.00 Lessons begin

10:00 Playtime

11:00 Lessons

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Lessons

14:40 Assembly

15:10 End of school day KS1 (Reception, year 1 and year 2)

15:15 End of school day KS2 (years 3 - 6)

16:15 Clubs / Tuition finish

In the event of a school closure, all parents will be contacted by Studybugs. There will also be a message on the school Facebook page.

Please ensure that the school office has been provided with an up-to- date contact number and email address.